Corryn Portrait SessionMay, 2020 The sun create a halo around Corryn’s gorgeous long hair, turning it a brilliant shade of red as she spun around the pink blossoms covering the ground beneath her. She was celebrating not one, but TWO diplomas she had just earned! Although she was graduating from high school, she had been […]
Masen Portrait SessionMay, 2019 Masen was so excited for this photoshoot- even though we only had a few minutes to grab some quick photos! If I had to guess, I would say he was anxious to show off that gorgeous head of curly red hair. (See another cute redhead here!) Really, we couldn’t have picked […]
Taylor + Gage Engagement SessionMay, 2019 I’m gonna say it- Taylor and Gage are in the running for the cutest couple ever. They’re the type where as soon as you meet them you can tell how much they care about each other. How? Because they are always looking after one another! It’s obvious that these […]